Windows 10: A Complete User Guide With Fundamentals and Best Practices To Master The Best Microsoft Operating System (2020 edition) Front Cover

Windows 10: A Complete User Guide With Fundamentals and Best Practices To Master The Best Microsoft Operating System (2020 edition)

  • Length: 219 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2020-05-25
  • ISBN-10: B0895NGZJZ
  • Sales Rank: #123147 (See Top 100 Books)

Are you someone who is not familiar with Windows but wanting to learn more? Have you reached a point where you’re just not sure where to begin? Would you like to just get started, knowing that you can learn Windows?

Windows 10 is a solid platform that has so much to offer. It’s customizablepowerful and provides a lot of opportunity to learn and grow with the technology itself. This platform offers a wide variety of support for fundamental things like checking email, browsing the web, uploading and saving your own personal photos, to various coding and web development languages.

Here’s an inside look at what you’ll gain by reading this book:

  • Understanding Windows versions and their respective features and how they apply to you
  • Working with the user interface, what it is and how you can use it to your benefit
  • General layout of Windows and how you can find all of your programs
  • Learning the fundamental items and objects in Windows, like folders, notifications, settings, etc.
  • How you can utilize devices with Windows 10, like external hard drives for more space and printers
  • A breakdown of understanding the resources of Windows 10 and how these affect how the platform operates
  • Installing your favorite programs and removing the ones you don’t want
  • Configuring Windows 10 with your desired settings so that it works the way you want it to
  • How to check and set up an internet connection
  • Security features, ways to optimize Windows and customization
  • Setting up the “look and feel” for Windows to match your personality
  • Using a voice interactive assistant to help you with tasks
  • Plus a lot more!

You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information laid out in this book. But not to worry! Everything has been broken down and categorized in this book so that it’s easy to read and walk through what actions that the book recommends. You can also just pick various topics that you’d like to learn about and dive in.

Remember, to just jump in and keep working with Windows 10 to unlock its potential and use it for your benefit. Let this book be your resource!

What are you waiting for? Scroll up and click “Buy Now” to purchase your own copy to start using it today!

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