Strategic Storytelling: How to Create Persuasive Business Presentations Front Cover

Strategic Storytelling: How to Create Persuasive Business Presentations


“Strategic Storytelling” is a complete guide to creating persuasive business presentations. Based on intensive study of presentations developed by leading management consulting firms, this step-by-step playbook shows you how to craft stories using proven narrative frameworks, design data-driven slides, and master your verbal and non-verbal delivery.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Perfect Storm

Section 1: Persuasive Content
Chapter 2: The Situation-Complication-Resolution Framework
Chapter 3: McKinsey’s USPS Situation
Chapter 4: McKinsey’s USPS Complication
Chapter 5: McKinsey’s USPS Resolution
Chapter 6: The Approach-Findings-Implications Framework
Chapter 7: BCG’s USPS Approach
Chapter 8: BCG’s USPS Findings
Chapter 9: BCG’s USPS Implications
Chapter 10: The Situation-Opportunity-Resolution Framework
Chapter 11: Accenture’s USPS Situation
Chapter 12: Accenture’s USPS Opportunity
Chapter 13: Accenture’s USPS Resolution
Chapter 14: The Pilot-Results-Scale Framework

Section 2: Data-Driven Design
Chapter 15: To Slide or Not to Slide
Chapter 16: Text
Chapter 17: Graphs
Chapter 18: Tables
Chapter 19: Images and Diagrams

Section 3: Confident Delivery
Chapter 20: Verbal Delivery
Chapter 21: Non-Verbal Delivery

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