Machine Learning With Python: Step By Step Guide To Build Artificial Intelligence Systems using Python, Scikit-learn Front Cover

Machine Learning With Python: Step By Step Guide To Build Artificial Intelligence Systems using Python, Scikit-learn

  • Length: 50 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-05-18
  • ISBN-10: B095D8GQSX

Goals you will achieve thanks to this book:

1. To learn the fundamentals of Machine Learning,

2. To understand how to work with Python and Jupyter Notebook,

3. To know the difference between supervised and unsupervised models,

4. To learn how to use Pandas and Scikit-learn,

5. To know how the most popular Machine Learning models work.

If you want to deal with machine learning or improve your problem- solving skills or perhaps consider a career in this area then this book is for you! This comprehensive guide will help you familiarize yourself with Machine Learning.

Why Python? Because it is powerful and it is very accessible. Python has become the most popular programming language for data science because it allows us to put the boring aspects of programming aside and gives us an environment where we can quickly outline new ideas and directly put new concepts into practice.

In this book we will try to embark on a journey of great interest, which covers all the essential topics and concepts, to allow you to start off in the right way.

Who This Book Is For

If you know some Python and you want to use machine learning and deep learning, pick up this book. Whether you want to start from scratch or extend your machine learning knowledge, this is an essential resource. Written for developers and data scientists who want to create practical machine learning and deep learning code, this book is ideal for anyone who wants to teach computers how to learn from data.

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