Jumpstart Your Software Career: A Comprehensive Guide Front Cover

Jumpstart Your Software Career: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Length: 60 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-01-11
  • ISBN-10: B08SQN32GP

Take control of your software career as early as you can so that you can have the career you want and live the life you want.

Today’s global market is more competitive than ever, and today’s software engineers need to have stronger skills to compete for jobs. The competition is hardest for new software engineers, and you somehow need to show employers that you’re better for the job you want than the hundred other applicants.

By learning principles and actions you can take early in your software career to propel you to the success you want, you will be better prepared to market yourself and get the career opportunities you want most.

You will learn…

  • how you can become well-known in your community as a talented software engineer
  • how you can find and develop your software skills to compete and win in the software job market
  • how you can get your foot in the door for the best opportunities
  • how you can combine these skills and accomplishments to build the career and the life you want

A large part of mastering your life is mastering your career. As an aspiring software engineer, you have the power to bring about the career that you want, and this book will help you take those steps.

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