Jakarta EE for Java Developers: Build Cloud-Native and Enterprise Applications Using a High-Performance Enterprise Java Platform Front Cover

Jakarta EE for Java Developers: Build Cloud-Native and Enterprise Applications Using a High-Performance Enterprise Java Platform

  • Length: 310 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2021-12-16
  • ISBN-10: 935551008X
  • ISBN-13: 9789355510082
  • Sales Rank: #5244544 (See Top 100 Books)

This book provides a practical introduction to Enterprise Java Edition, Jakarta EE, including detailed features and capabilities. Equipped with numerous projects, each chapter demonstrates Jakarta EE capabilities with clean coding.

The book starts with an introduction to Jakarta EE and its architecture. This will help to create a project using the Jakarta Servlet and exposure of an HTTP endpoint. The CDI is then used to inject dependencies, work with events asynchronously, and interact with CDI interceptors. Then, in the RESTful style, it can help to create a Jakarta RESTful resource to expose HTTP endpoints. We then investigate the Jakarta Enterprise Bean, which teaches us how to manage transactions and schedule tasks. The Jakarta Persistence is then used to integrate an application into a relational database, and the Jakarta Message is used to create an application using the Message Oriented Middleware (MOM). In terms of security, we use Jakarta Security to secure the endpoint of a Jakarta application.

By the end of this book, the reader will be able to set up a Jakarta project and write applications that expose HTTP endpoints, integrate with a database, and deal with authentication and authorization.

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