C And Scala Programming Examples: Programming For Beginners Front Cover

C And Scala Programming Examples: Programming For Beginners

  • Length: 82 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-02-08
  • ISBN-10: B08W9PKF5N
  • Sales Rank: #3950260 (See Top 100 Books)

This Books Absolutely For Beginners:
You can learn primary skills of C AND SCALA PROGRAMMING fast and easily. The book includes practical examples for beginners.

C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two numbers.
C program to print ASCII value of a character
C program to print all numbers from 1 to N using goto statement
Program to print numbers from 1 to N using while loop
Program to print Square, Cube and Square Root
Program to print table of a given number
Program for Largest Number among three numbers
Area of rectangle program in c
C program – Convert Feet to Inches
Program to create a text file using file handling
C program to find factorial of a number
Program to swap two bits of a byte
Program to swap two numbers using four different methods
Age Calculator (C program to calculate age)
C program to design a digital clock
Program to calculate compound interest
Program to check whether number is Perfect Square or not
Program to print message without using any semicolon in program
Sum of Series Programs / Examples using C
Print hello world
Compute the sum
Get the absolute difference
Remove the character
Exchange the first and last characters
Check given string
Check the largest number
which number is nearest
Get the character at the given index
Concatenate a given string
Count and print
Read a string and return
Sum values of an given array
Calculate the average value
Find the index
Remove a specific element
Rotate one element left of an given array
Find the maximum and minimum value
Calculate the sum
Reverse an array of integer values
Find the common elements

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